
Light Cupula - What Is It and What Should I Do About It?

Sep 27, 2022

Have you ever observed sustained (lasting > 60 sec) geotropic nystagmus with positional testing for BPPV and were not quite sure what those atypical findings were about? If so, you are not alone. According to the literature this finding is not as result of BPPV, but rather due to a light cupula which was first proposed by Hiruma in 2004.

My journey with experiencing a light cupula

Clinically, I actually do not remember ever seeing someone present with sustained geotropic nystagmus. If I did, the patient likely got better, not as a result of my treatment, but rather due to the natural history, which we will cover later in this post.

This past summer though, I released an online course...

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BPPV Treatment: 3 Reasons Why It's Not Working

Feb 26, 2022

BPPV is the most common cause of dizziness across the lifespan. Fortunately with treatment it typically resolves within 1-3 sessions. Untreated, BPPV also has a 50% chance that it will resolve spontaneously within 3 months. (Bhattacharyya 2017)

So, what happens if the history of someone’s dizziness is consistent with BPPV, but it is not responding to treatment? It happens and we’ve been there. From our experience this could be due to several reasons, so let’s review the three most common reasons why.

Reason #1: You’re not using the correct technique to treat BPPV.

With any form of treatment, technique is vital. So, with BPPV let’s review some of the common...

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Vestibular Hypofunction Treatment Guidelines - Update

Jan 04, 2022

As health care providers we like to say that we provide evidence based treatment, but what is the evidence for the vestibular therapy we provide? Specifically, how about the treatment we provide for vestibular hypofunction?

With being a busy clinician it can be a bit daunting trying to keep up with the latest research. We also have to realize that for every good piece of research there is research that is, well, not so good. So, how do we filter out the clinically relevant and strong evidence based research?

Fortunately, from time to time clinical practice guidelines come out and provide direction. Over the past few years there have been clinical practice guidelines developed for...

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Vertebral Artery Dissection - Is This Something We Still Need To Worry About?

Sep 04, 2021

Do you ever wonder what would happen if one of your patients had a vertebral artery dissection?

Do you ever wonder if you would be able to screen if your patient has a vertebral artery dissection?

We recently had a patient come through our clinic with a vertebral artery dissection and his history was alarming. Before we review this case let’s review some of the common questions about this condition:

  • What is vertebral artery dissection?
  • What causes vertebral artery dissection?
  • How common is vertebral artery dissection?
  • What are the symptoms of a vertebral artery dissection?
  • How is vertebral artery dissection diagnosed?
  • What is the treatment for vertebral artery dissection?

What is...

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Thinking About Getting Infrared Goggles, Then This Is A MUST READ

May 03, 2021

The Dilemma With Getting Infrared Goggles

Are you a busy clinician who has ventured out in the field of vestibular therapy, but find it hard to justify the cost of purchasing infrared goggles? You know they would really help with your assessment, take out some of the guess work, and improve your outcomes.  As most things, it can come down to the "budget". Maybe you do not see enough dizzy patients to justify the expense or the owner of the clinic you work at does not understand their value. 

Our Journey To Find Infrared Goggles

We get it as we have been there, but fortunately over the years we have been able to gradually purchase infrared goggles. We actually have...

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Teasing Out The Torsional Nystagmus with BPPV

Feb 27, 2021

Do you ever find it difficult to see the torsional component of nystagmus with the Dix-Hallpike test? At times we have, and it can be concerning given the possibility of the  vertical nystagmus being indicative of a central vestibular disorder. There is, however, a clinical trick to help tease out any torsional component. 

It's All About Semicircular Canal Orientation

As the video in this blog reviews, the nystagmus with BPPV is in the same plane as the semicircular canal that is affected. So, with being able to understand the orientation of the canals we can bias the nystagmus to reveal the torsional component and if need be the vertical component.

To see more of the...

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A Review of BPPV

Nov 08, 2020

North 49 is a physical therapy clinic, but it is interesting as over half of the patients we see have dizziness. We see more patients each month with dizziness than back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain or any pain for that matter combined. It is also interesting to note that our patient population is similar to what the literature finds in that with dizziness the most common cause is due to BPPV. 

So what is BPPV? Let’s review some of the basics.


What BPPV Stands For

BPPV is short for Benign (non life threatening), Paroxysmal (sudden, uncontrollable), Positional, Vertigo (sense of spinning).


What Is BPPV?

Ear Anatomy

To understand what BPPV is we...

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What Is Nystagmus?

Sep 12, 2020

Nystagmus What Does It Mean?

At North 49 our team of vestibular therapists look for nystagmus in determining one’s cause of dizziness. So, what is nystagmus? It is simply repetitive, uncontrolled eye motion. It usually affects both eyes. Depending on the cause it may be constant or intermittent. It can also be temporary or permanent.


Nystagmus how to pronounce?



Nystagmus what does it look like?

It will look like a stuttering motion of the eyes. This motion can be linear (upward, downward, or laterally), rotary, or a combination. Sometimes it can be seen in room light while other times it cannot. Health care providers therefore use infrared goggles to make...

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