Hypofunction Vestibular Ocular Findings

Below is a collection of videos demonstrating positive tests for vestibular hypofunction.

Hypofunction Collection

Click on the boxes below to access videos of the positive tests.

Spontaneous & Gaze Evoked Nystagmus

Head Impulse Test

Skull Vibration Induced Nystagmus Test

Looking for a resource to guide you how to perform oculomotor tests to help rule in central and peripheral vestibular disorders?


Spontaneous & Gaze Evoked Nystagmus

Below are videos of four different patients who demonstrated positive gaze and spontaneous evoked nystagmus. Note: some patients will only demonstrate gaze evoked nystagmus.

Patient 1 - Left Beat Nystagmus

Patient 2 - Left Beat Nystagmus

Patient 3 - Right Beat Nystagmus

Patient 4 - Right Beat Nystagmus

Head Impulse Test

Below are videos of two different patients who demonstrated positive Head Impulse Tests.

Patient 1 - (+) Right Head Thrust Test

Patient 2 - (+) Right Head Thrust Test

Skull Vibration Induced Nystagmus test (SVINT)

Below is a video demonstrating a positive SVINT.

Patient 1 - Left Beat Nystagmus

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