As a physiotherapist, the decision to use a particular treatment often rests on a delicate balance between using something as there is strong research behind it or not. This holds true with the use of blue light blocking glasses to treat concussion and vestibular migraine. Some optometrists we have talked to indicated that they do not endorse the use of these glasses due to a lack of research. Then, on the other hand we hear from people who say these glasses were "game changers" for managing their symptoms. Is there something behind these glasses, are they a placebo, or a bit of both?
Let's explore the rationale for considering the use of blue light blocking glasses.
Have you ever wondered why Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" seems like such a trippy and surreal journey? Well, there's a fascinating theory that connects this whimsical tale to a peculiar phenomenon known as "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" or AIWS. This syndrome is closely associated with migraines and can offer a curious glimpse into the world of distorted perceptions. It has been said that Lewis Carroll himself had migraines, so this may be a tale expressing what he was experiencing personally.
What is Alice In Wonderland Syndrome or AIWS?
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS) is a rare and intriguing neurological condition, often linked to migraines. But, it can also be triggered by ...
Did you know that dizziness, headaches, and pain in the sinus region can be due to a binocular vision dysfunction (BVD)? There are several tests we can use to assess for this, but let's review one of the simplest being the 5 Minute Cover Test. Before we do this though, let's do a quick review of what a BVD is.
Binocular vision dysfunction is a condition where the eyes are not looking in the same direction. When looking straight ahead, to the side, up, down, as well as near and far the eyes should be aligned and move together as a pair. Causes of BVD are usually due to poor functioning of a nerve or nerves that control eye movement, or of the mu...
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